Our Rainbow Brands supply chain is enrolled with Sedex. Sedex is a membership organisation that manage and improve working conditions in global supply chains. We do get yearly ethical audits and this ensure that all of the factories that we use either in the UK or China are treating their employees fairly, in a safe working environment and follow all the environmental laws.

Our Audits covers the below topics.

  •  Hygiene, health and safety
  • Waste management
  • Child and young labour
  • Labour practices, including forced labour, worker representation, disciplinary practices and discrimination.
  • Working hours and wages

Why Perform Ethical Audits?

  • Ensure decent working conditions and human rights throughout our supply chain
  • Comply with statutory requirements (e.g. Modern Slavery Act 2015)
  • Prevent unauthorized subcontracting
  • Receive an accurate picture of ethical compliance in our supply chain
  • Foster cooperative relations with our suppliers